Section 1 INTRODUCTION This section covers the following topics: 1. About This Manual 2. Viewing and Printing the Manual 3. Table of Contents 4. Copyright Information –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Section 1.1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL This manual contains detailed reference information on the Iomega Driver and Iomega Tools, and it describes the relationship between the Iomega Driver and the Iomega Guest program. (For complete reference information on Iomega Guest, see Iomega Guest Help.) The second section of the manual includes a description of the Zip Tools software package and how the different programs install on your Macintosh. The manual also includes a detailed problem solving guide which can be used to diagnose and solve problems you may encounter while using your Zip drive and Iomega software with your Macintosh. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Section 1.2 VIEWING AND PRINTING THE MANUAL This manual was prepared using DOCMaker software. You can use the manual on screen, or you can print any section or the entire manual as needed. On screen, use the scroll bar on the right side of this window to scroll through one section of the manual. You can also use the up and down arrow keys or the page up and page down keys to scroll through a section. To move between sections, use the right and left arrow keys or click on the scroll bar at the bottom of the window. You can also use the Contents menu at the top of the screen to move to another section of the manual. Simply click and hold on the Contents menu, then drag to the section you want and release. The name of the section you are currently in appears in the box at the lower left-hand corner of the window. You can go directly to any major section or subsection of the manual by using the Table of Contents. To pop up the Table of Contents, simply click on the section name in the lower left-hand corner of this window (it now says Introduction). Double click on any section you want to see. You can also select the Table of Contents from the Contents menu at the top of the screen, then double click on the section you want to see. If you have difficulty reading any of the illustrations on screen, try enlarging the window. The illustrations are scaled and will be larger when the window is larger. To print all or any part of the manual, select Print from the File menu and click on OK. DOCMaker will allow you to select the sections you want to print. To print the entire manual (about 75 pages), click on Print All in the dialog box or choose Select All and then Print. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Section 1.3 TABLE OF CONTENTS To see a listing of the major sections and subsections in the manual, select Table of Contents from the Contents menu at the top of the screen. The contents for each major section of the manual are described below. Section 1. Introduction Describes how to use and print the manual. Section 2. Installing Your Iomega Software Describes system requirements and how to install the Iomega Driver and Zip Tools software package on your Macintosh; describes the different software programs included in your Zip Tools package. Section 3. Using the Iomega Driver Describes the purpose of the Iomega Driver and how the Driver is loaded on your Macintosh. Describes the relationship between version 4.2 of the Iomega Driver, the Iomega Guest program, and other versions of Iomega Driver. Section 4. Using Iomega Tools Describes how to run Iomega Tools and how to use the Tools window and buttons. Provides reference information on each of the Tools utilities. Section 5. Using the Zip Drive and Disks Describes how to operate the Zip drive and how to insert and remove Zip disks; describes the use of the Zip Tools Disk (100MB) and new blank Zip Disks (25MB or 100MB); using Zip disks for startup or backup, copying Zip disks, and backing up using Zip disks. Section 6. Using System 7 Features with Zip Drive Describes how to use System 7 virtual memory and file sharing with your Zip drive. Section 7. Solving Problems Provides extensive help to diagnose and solve problems that may occur while installing or using the Iomega Driver to support your Zip drive. Section 8. Error Messages Describes the cause and solutions for error messages you may receive from the Iomega Driver or Iomega Tools. Section 9. Answers to Common Questions Answers to questions often asked of Iomega's support technicians. If you have a question, look here first. Section 10. Contacting Iomega Contains a complete list of support numbers for Iomega Customer Service and Technical Support. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Section 1.4 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION All portions of Iomega Driver and Iomega Tools software are copyrighted and are the property of and remain the property of Iomega Corporation and/or its licensor. Any unauthorized use, reproduction or publication of any portion of this material without the prior written consent of Iomega Corporation is strictly prohibited. Iomega is a registered trademark, and the Iomega logo, Zip, and Zip Tools are trademarks of Iomega Corporation. DOCMaker is a trademark of Green Mountain Software. All other company and product names mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 1995 Iomega Corporation, All Rights Reserved EN143001